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Kral Erik

Kral Erik


Kral Erik 

Alkoqolsuz pivə, cild. 330ml / 11.2 FL.OZ. Alc. 0,5% həcm.

Tərkibi: su, arpa səməni, şerbetçiotu ekstraktı.

Avstriya istehsalıdır

Ən yaxşısı: arxa etiketə baxın




Kral Erik

Birra analcolica, cild. 330ml / 11.2 FL.OZ. Alc. 0,5% həcm.

Tərkibi: acqua, malto d'orzo, estratto di luppolo.

Avstriyada prodotto

İstehlakçılara üstünlük verilir: retro etichetta vedi




Kral Erik

Bière sans alcool, cild. 330 ml / 11.2 FL.OZ. Alc. 0,5% həcm.

Tərkibi: eau, malt d'orge, extrait de houblon.

Fabrique və Autriche

À consommer de préférence avant le : voir etiquette au dos



Kral Erik

Alkoholfreies Bier, Cilt. 330ml / 11.2 FL.OZ. Alk. 0,5% Həcmi

Tələblər: Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfenextrakt.

Österreyxdə Hergestellt

Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Rückseitenetikett




Kral Erik

Cerveza sin spirti, cild. 330ml / 11.2 FL.OZ.. Alc. 0,5% həcm.

Tərkibi: agua, malta de cebada, extracto de lupulo.

Fabrikado Avstriyada

İstehlakçı üstünlükləri: etik davranış qaydaları


    Erik, also known as Eric the Good. Eric was born in the town of Slangerup in North Zealand (Denmark) - the largest Danish Island.  Erik was well liked by the people and the famines that had plagued Denmark during Olaf Hunger's reign ceased. For many it seemed a sign from God that Erik was the right king for Denmark. Erik was a good speaker, people went out of their way to hear him. After a ting assembly concluded, he went about the neighborhood greeting men, women and children at their homesteads. He had a reputation as a loud man who liked parties and who led a rather dissipated private life. 

    King Erik announced at the Viborg assembly that he had decided to go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land.  

    Erik and a large company traveled through Russia to Constantinople where he was a guest of the emperor. While there, he became ill, but took ship for Cyprus anyway. He died at Paphos, Cyprus in July 1103.

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