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UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

UKumkani uBjörn Ironside


UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

Ibhiya yeLager, vol. 330ml (500 ml)/ 11.2 FL. OZ. Alc. 5,0% umthamo.

Izithako: amanzi, i-barley malt, iihops.

Yenziwe eOstriya

Eyona nto ingcono kakhulu: bona ileyibhile ngasemva




UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

Birra Lager, vol. 330ml (500 ml)/ 11.2 FL. OZ. Alc. 5,0% umthamo.

Isithako: acqua, malto d'orzo, luppolo.

Prodotto eOstriya

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UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

Bière Lager, vol. 330 ml (500 ml)/ 11.2 FL. OZ. Alc. 5,0% umthamo.

Izithako : eau, malt d'orge, houblon.

Fabriqué en Autriche

À consommer de préférence avant le : imbeko okanye imbeko



UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

Lagerbier, Vol. 330ml (500 ml)/ 11.2 FL. OZ. Alk. 5,0% Vol.

Zutaten: Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen.

Hergestellt e Österreich

Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Rückseitenetikett




UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

Cerveza tipo Lager, vol. 330ml (500 ml)/ 11.2 FL. OZ. Alc. 5,0% umthamo.

Izithako: agua, malta de cebada, lúpulo.

Fabricado en Austria

Consumir preferentemente antes del: ver etiqueta trasera

  • UKumkani uBjörn Ironside

    100 ml. ziqulathe ngokomndilili:
    Amandla: 109 KJ / 26 kcal
    Amafutha: 0 g.
    Apho kugcwele: 0 g
    Ikhabhohayidrethi: 6 g
    Apho iswekile: 4.8 g
    Iprotheni: 0 g
    Ityuwa: 0 g


    Ibhiya yePilsner.

    Alc 5% vol.

    Izithako: Amanzi, irhasi, imalt, iihops.


    UBjorn Ironside wayengunyana wesibini ka-Aslaug noRagnar, owayengukumkani owaziwayo kunye nomnqobi. Lo mfana wahlulwa ngengqondo enomdla, ukuzimisela okukhethekileyo kunye nesibindi, efuna ukulandela ekhondweni likayise aze abe ngumlo oqinileyo, inkokeli emangalisayo, evula amazwe amatsha kubantu, ehlola amazwe akude. Waba nguKumkani waseSweden kunye nomseki weMunsjö Dynasty. Igama lesiqhulo linxulunyaniswa nesikrweqe sentsimbi esithathiweyo esasinxitywe nguBjorn edabini. 

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